Your support is needed now!

You can make a difference for people in Lebanon, Gaza, Ukraine, Sudan and other places in the world where the Norwegian Refugee Council is present.

Never before have more people been forced to leave their homes and everything they own behind. Support our work to make sure they get the help they need.

Today, a record 117 million people are fleeing war and persecution. Not since World War Two have more people needed our help.

By supporting our work, you ensure that more people are protected from violence. You provide people with clean water, food and a place to live. You contribute to more children and young people getting an education and ensure that people can access legal assistance when their rights are challenged.

We ensure that your donation is always used where the need is greatest. Well over 90 per cent of our total income is used directly to support people forced to flee.

In 2023, we helped close to 10 million people worldwide. With your support, we can help even more!

Contact donor support:


📞 +47 800 33 503

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